As a frontend JavaScript framework, React powers the user interfaces and interactions of many modern web applications. However, like any technology, React introduces potential security risks that developers must consider. Without proper precautions, React apps can be vulnerable to attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS), clickjacking, and more.

Fortunately, various React js best practices and tools can help React development of secure applications right from the start. In this article, we’ll explore key methods for securing React apps during development and deployment. We’ll look at leveraging types, tools for detection, authorization approaches, and other practical tips.

Leveraging TypeScript for Added Security

Using a typed version of JavaScript like TypeScript can catch many bugs during development. TypeScript not only enables autocompletion, refactoring and easier documentation, but also improves React js security.

For example, types prevent unintended access and mutations by guaranteeing component props and state adhere to specified interfaces. Explicit typing also avoids confusion around the data shapes being passed in React applications.

Here’s an example of a stateless functional component written in TypeScript:

interface Props {
  text: string;
  okHandler: () => void;
  cancelHandler: () => void;

const ConfirmDialog = ({text, okHandler, cancelHandler}: Props) => {
  return (
      <button onClick={okHandler}>Yes</button>
      <button onClick={cancelHandler}>No</button>

The Props interface acts as a contract for the properties the component expects, preventing unsafe assumptions elsewhere. Type safety flows through the whole React application when using TypeScript.

Detection Through Linting

Linting tools like ESLint scan for suspicious patterns in code that could represent vulnerabilities. Customizable rules specifically target Reac jst security issues like:

  • Dangerous property assignments
  • Unsafe lifecycle methods usage
  • Stale state references
  • Overly broad component permissions

Adding an ESLint plugin like eslint-plugin-react-hooks provides additional guards against state and side effects risks within React functional components.

Here is an example configuration file with some key security rules enabled:

  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    "react/no-danger": "warn",
    "react/no-did-mount-set-state": "error", 
    "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error" 

With integrated linting, vulnerabilities can be spotted early and iteratively improved during development.

Controlling Access with Authentication

Managing who can access what data and functionality is critical for secure React apps. Authentication methods like oAuth2 and OpenID Connect allow implementing access controls in React components and routes:

import { useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react";

export const Profile = () => {
  const { user, isAuthenticated, isLoading } = useAuth0();

  if (isLoading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  if (!isAuthenticated) {
    return <Navigate to="/login" />;

  return (

Here, authentication integrations like Auth0 determine if a user can view the /profile route. Checks can be added wherever necessary.

Authorization schemes then manage detailed permissions within the app once logged in, hiding unsafe functionality from certain users. Well-structured access architecture is key for React security.

Practical Development Tips: React js best practices

  • Validate props – Prevent crashes and exploits by validating components get proper prop types.
  • Escape output – Anything rendered from props and state must be escaped to prevent XSS attacks.
  • Manage state carefully – Follow hooks best practices around state and effects to avoid stale closures or references.
  • Hash client secrets – Obfuscate API keys, passwords or other credentials stored client-side.
  • Limit permissions – Only request minimum necessary third-party auth scopes needed for your app.
  • Test rigorously – Exercise components with security attacks simulated via mocking.

Following React specific recommendations around handling user input and state goes a long way towards application security.

Advancing to Production

For deployment, enable HTTPS protocol across the application and all external requests to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. Content Security Policy (CSP) HTTP headers combat cross-site scripting while forcing React js best practices like whitelisting source origins.

Ongoing monitoring via error tracking tools monitors production builds for exploited vulnerabilities. Quickly patch any identified software React risks once released.

For end-to-end assurance, conduct automated vulnerability scanning on running applications to catch blindspots. Services like Snyk and Checkmarx analyze dependencies, configuration, user controls and attack surfaces.


React’s component architecture lends itself well to secure application development. However, without purposeful precautions, common threats can easily compromise React apps after deployment.

Utilizing types, linting, authentication and these other industry React js best practices bakes security into each stage of the development lifecycle. For additional guidance securing custom React projects, see below to reach out.

Reach Out to the Expert

For additional information on React js best practices or guidance securing your custom React projects, reach out to me directly. I provide reliable solutions tailored specifically to your use case, budget, and performance needs.

My years of experience allow me to quickly understand your requirements and implement comprehensive security focused on your exact situation. Whether starting a new project or hardening an existing application, I identify and resolve vulnerabilities using today’s leading tools and methods.

Don’t leave security as an afterthought – get in touch today to proactively protect your React applications with help from a proven professional. I welcome any questions and the opportunity to put my expertise to work securing your critical web apps.