As a React developer, you likely aim to build fast, optimized web apps. However, as your apps grow in complexity, avoiding performance pitfalls becomes critical. Two invaluable techniques for optimizing React app speed and efficiency are the useMemo and useCallback hooks. Mastering these related hooks unlocks the power of React memoization.

In this guide, learn how applying React memoization with useMemo and useCallback hooks prevents unnecessary re-renders and recalculations. Discover examples and code snippets demonstrating performance wins using these hooks.

The Need for Memoization in React

React builds user interfaces by efficiently updating its component tree when state changes. However, as apps scale, even the most optimized React code can lead to the following performance issues:

  • Excessive Re-Renders: Components re-render even when their inputs stay the same, impacting app speed.
  • Repeated Calculations: Derived state values get unnecessarily recomputed on every render.

The solution? Memoization.

React Memoization caches previous computations and recalls stored results to avoid duplicate effort. By applying memoization judiciously, you can optimize React app speed and efficiency.

This is where React’s useMemo and useCallback hooks shine. Let’s explore them in detail.

Preventing Unnecessary Re-Renders with useMemo

useMemo hook allows caching expensive function calculations between renders:

function Component({a, b}) {

  // Only recomputed if `a` changes 
  const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => expensiveCalculation(a, b), [a]);

  return <div>{memoizedValue}</div>;


Let’s see an example demonstrating useMemo benefits.

Suppose we have a component that performs a complex calculation based on some input parameters. We want to optimize this component using useMemo to avoid recalculating the result unnecessarily.

import React, { useMemo } from 'react';

function ComplexCalculation({ input1, input2 }) {
  // Perform a complex calculation based on input parameters
  const result = useMemo(() => {
    console.log("Performing complex calculation...");
    // Simulated complex calculation
    return input1 * input2;
  }, [input1, input2]); // Memoize the result based on input1 and input2

  return (
      <h3>Result of Complex Calculation:</h3>

export default ComplexCalculation;

In this example:

  • We have a ComplexCalculation component that takes two input parameters: input1 and input2.
  • Inside the component, we use useMemo to memoize the result of a complex calculation. This calculation depends on input1 and input2.
  • The useMemo hook ensures that the complex calculation is only performed when input1 or input2 change. If neither of these inputs changes, the memoized result is returned without recomputing the calculation.
  • This optimization is beneficial when the calculation is resource-intensive and should not be recalculated on every render unless the inputs change. By using useMemo, we can avoid unnecessary recalculations and improve performance.

You can then use this ComplexCalculation component in your application, passing different values for input1 and input2 as needed.

Tips for useMemo Hook

  • Cache return values from functions doing heavy computations using useMemo
  • Pass an array of input values triggering recompute as second argument
  • Only apply for expensive functions – avoids heavier hook overhead

So when should you useMemo? Follow these best practices for avoiding both slow runtimes and hook over optimization.

Optimizing Functions with useCallback

useMemo caches values, whileuseCallback caches functions.

This hook prevents unnecessary re-creation of functions between renders:

function Parent() {

  // Remains same reference 
  const memoizedCallback = useCallback(
    () => {
      doSomething(a, b);
    [a, b], 

  return <Child callback={memoizedCallback} />


Let’s see a use case for this hook.

Here’s a parent <ButtonList> component rendering a list of <Button> components:

function ButtonList() {

  const [buttons, setButtons] = useState([]);

  function addButton() {
    // add button to list 

  return (
      { => (
        <Button onClick={addButton} /> 


Problem: On every ButtonList render, a new addButton callback instance gets created and passed to each Button. This causes the buttons to re-render even when props stay the same!

Fix with useCallback hook:

function ButtonList() {

  const [buttons, setButtons] = useState([]);

  // Preserves reference
  const memoizedAddButton = useCallback(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
      { => ( 
        <Button onClick={memoizedAddButton} />


Now buttons only re-render when necessary – improving overall performance.

Tips for useCallback Hook

  • Useful for callbacks passed as props to optimized child components
  • Apply memoization on functions where reference change causes performance issues
  • Keep callback functions outside child component scope

Follow these guidelines to reap most benefits from useCallback hook without overapplying it.

Why useMemo and useCallback are a Powerful Combo

While useMemo focuses on values and useCallback on function references – together they are invaluable for React app memoization.

A common pattern is memoizing a function with useCallback and passing it to a memoized component with useMemo:

function Parent() {

  // Prevent re-creation during re-renders
  const memoizedHandleClick = useCallback(() => {
     // handle click event
  }, []);

  // Further wrap in useMemo for referential equality
  const memoizedFunction = useMemo(() => memoizedHandleClick, []);

  return (
   <Button onClick={memoizedFunction}>
     Click Me


// Further optimize with: 
const MemoizedButton = React.memo(Button);

This ensures maximum memoization benefits!


Understanding React’s useMemo and useCallback hooks unlocks optimization opportunities through memoization. Follow the examples and tips covered to eliminate unnecessary renders and calculations.

While striking the right balance takes practice – memoization with these hooks leads to noticeably faster and leaner React apps.

As you build more complex UIs, revisit these approaches. Mastering useMemo and useCallback should be in every React developer’s tool belt!

Now Over to You

I hope this guide gave you ideas on how to optimize your React apps with memoization tools useMemo and useCallback provide.

As experienced React developers, I specialize in crafting high-performance web apps improved with the latest capabilities the React ecosystem offers.

I would be delighted to partner with you on your projects. Reach out to me if you need help modernizing, scaling, or future-proofing your React frontends.